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April 2016 – Open Conference Papers

The Construction Bar Association of Ireland staged its Fourth Open Conference on Friday 22nd April 2016 where the three panels chaired respectively by David Barniville SC – Chairman of the Bar Council, the Honourable Mr. Justice Mr. Paul Gilligan of the High Court of Ireland and Denis O’Driscoll, solicitor of Denis O’Driscoll & Associates. The CBA extends its sincerest congratulations to each of the speakers and the three chairpersons who gave so generously of their time and expertise.

Panel 1 : “Judicial Oversight” – Chaired by David Barniville SC

Panel 2: “Defective Materials – Liability and Consumer Protection” – Chaired by the Honourable Mr. Justice Paul Gilligan

Panel 3: “Professional Negligence and Construction Professionals” – Chaired by Denis O’Driscoll, Solicitor

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